Michael Loveday is editor/publisher of 14 magazine, a publication devoted to poems of fourteen lines, featuring modern sonnets alongside stranger brews. He is a regular performer at London readings and is currently completing a Creative Writing MA at Kingston University. This is his first collection.
Loveday has an eye for form and an ear for the music of language. In this delicate exploration of love and loss, he wears his rue with a difference.
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I jostle for position
against the swell
of her purse.
It’s worth it,
just for the thrill
of ferrying friendship to her ear.
Unlock me,
I cry.
I love you.
I am a gift, waiting
to be unwrapped,
a dictionary of intimacy.
She fidgets for relief—
an overdue text,
the scratching of an itch.
Too fond of dexterity,
fingers flutter
over my face.
Her mouth,
close by,
swings on its hinge.